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The Ever Curious Gardener : Using a Little Natural Science for a Much Better Garden
By Lee Reich




The Ever Curious Gardener is an irreverent romp through the natural science of plants. Ideal for gardeners moving beyond back-of-the-seed-pack planting, it digs into the science "behind the scenes" in the garden. Acclaimed gardener, scientist, and author Lee Reich offers insights and practical guidance on growing a much better garden.

Unleash your inner geek and let this irreverent romp through the wonders of the garden yield practical results.

Curious why caressing your cucumber plants will help them bear more fruit? Or why you should grow oranges from seed even if the fruit is inedible? Or why trees need to sleep and how to help them?

Join acclaimed gardener, scientist, and author Lee Reich on a journey through the delights of your garden in this laugh-out-loud treatise on the scientific wonders of plants and soil. Offering eye-opening insight and practical guidance, coverage includes:

  • How to maximize both flavor and nutrition in your garden bounty
  • Helping plants thrive during drought
  • Outwitting weeds by understanding their nature
  • Making the best use of compost
  • Tips on pruning and orchard care
  • Why the dead language of Latin can make you a better gardener.


Ever Curious Gardener

SKU: 9780865718821


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    150 Race Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980


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